Holidays in Virgin River by Robin Carr

I don’t know about you, but that image warms my holiday heart. There are two stories and I love that for the busy holiday season.

I don’t know about you, but I feel a bit guilty curling up with a book during the holidays when my list of things to do looks like Santa’s

Our first story involves puppies. These cuties are found under the large town tree. Annie McKenzie steps in to help and crosses paths with the town vet Nate Jensen. There is magic in this story as the town rallies around the puppies. I loved watching the puppies through the stories and that special magic that always seems to happen only in Virgin River.

Our second story reconnects us with Nate and Annie. Nate’s niece Sunny is hanging out in Virgin River to ring in the New Year and protect her broken heart.

Drew Foley heads to the family cabin in Virgin River to enjoy his time off from his surgical residency. For those of you who think that name is familiar your right. Drew is Marcie and Erin’s little brother.

Drew is nursing a tender heart as well. Sunny and Drew strike up a conversation that is friendly and safe, but then the magic of Virgin River creeps in.

I loved this chance to visit Virgin River during the holidays when it is even more magical. I hope you do too.

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