Spotlight on The Barter by Siobhan Adcock

Since it is Halloween Week this book seemed like a good fit for those of you looking for a “seasonal” read:

Book Synopsis: In today’s “lean in” era, debut novelist Siobhan Adcock casts the issue of whether women can ever “have it all” into a superbly written novel that will have readers everywhere talking. Bridget has given up her career to raise her daughter, but now a terrifying presence has entered their Texas home—and only Bridget can feel it. In 1902, motherhood spurs Rebecca to turn her back on her husband, despite her own misgivings. As Adcock crosscuts these two women’s stories with mounting tension, each arrives at a terrible ordeal of her own making.

About the author: Siobhan Adcock received her MFA in fiction from Cornell University, and her short fiction has appeared in several literary magazines. She has worked as a writer and editor for Epicurious,,, and The Knowm among other digital publishers. She lives with her family in Brooklyn, New York.


the barter

Reading the Sweet Oak by Jan Stites

frc-logoReading the Sweet Oak is a touching story about family be they blood relatives or the friends who have stuck with you all your life. Ruby wants to remind her granddaughter that there is more to the world than running her business and she decides to start a romance book club. Tulsa her grand daughter does not have much patience for the books her grandmother chooses, but she does learn about love and life, not from the romances but from the women she shares them with. Pearl has been Ruby’s friend since they were kids, together they have shared their lives, BJ was Tulsa’s mom’s best friend until a boy came between them, Jen is Tulsa’s friend who is hoping for happily ever after, but is Jack really the right guy for the job? Together they navigate life and love with moments that will make you laugh and cry and hope and be sorry to turn the last page.

ARC Contest for This is Where it Ends

Ok you may be wondering about this book and if you should enter the giveaway, so let me tell you a bit about it.  It is a story about a school shooting, but it is also more than that.  It is the story of a small town and a family that comes on hard times, it is a story of loss and pain and anger and redemption, and it is also as you may have guessed by now also a novel about redemption and fresh starts and hope.  If that sounds like something you want to read then click the link to enter the contest that runs until November 1st.  I have already read this and will give it a full review either on it’s publication date or close to it, and I really enjoyed it which is probably in some respects not a good thing to say about it considering it is about a shooting, but I loved the characters and the way the story flowed.  Here is the contest link.

Lord of the Wings by Donna Andrews

Welcome back to the wacky and wonderful world of Meg  Langslow.  In this adventure it is the week before Halloween and  Dr. Smoot is hosting the haunted house, there is a carnival atmosphere in town, until a body turns up.  Then Meg, Cheif Burke and Mayor Randall have to figure out how to keep the  celebration going and get to the bottom of the who done it.  Rob and the staff of Mutant Wizards lend a hand, as does Dr. Burke and his brigade.  On the home front Josh and Jamie get to wear a different costume each day and then they anounce they want “real” costumes for Halloween, what is a Mom to do when she finds herself smack dab in the middle of things as usual.  As always this book is a great mystery with light comedic touches and lovable characters who feel like old friends.  If you are a fan of the series or if you are looking for something seasonal that won’t keep you up at night check this one out.

You Were Here by Cori McCarthy Cover Reveal and ARC Contest

As you may know I covered breaking sky last year, and I am so happy to have another one of Cori’s books in my future. Details are below as well as a link to enter to win an ARC. Happy Reading this weekend. I will also be re-posting my Breaking Sky blog from last year in case you missed the first book. Thanks to the publisher for letting me share this with my readers.

YOU WERE HERE Cover Reveal and Giveaway:

You Were Here

Author: Cori McCarthy

Release Date: March 1, 2016

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Critically acclaimed author of Breaking Sky, Cori McCarthy reveals the cover of her latest groundbreaking novel You Were Here (March 2016).

Narrated in multiple formats including word art poetry, graphic novel panels, and prose, this visually stunning story follows Jaycee Strangelove and an unlikely group of friends on a post-graduation adventure as Jaycee chases the memory of her late brother by completing the death-defying stunts that got him killed.

Jaycee’s companions: her ex-best friend, a slacker with Peter Pan syndrome, a heartbroken poet, and a selective mute all have their own reasons for attempting her brother’s dares. But as they delve deeper into the urban ruins that captivated Jaycee’s brother, from the petrifying remains of an insane asylum to the skeletal remnants of the world’s largest amusement park they learn a singular and unforgettable lesson on the truth about friendship, heartbreak, and inevitable change.

Pre-Order You Were Here

Enter to Win an Advance Copy of You Were Here by Cori McCarthy:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Admissions by Meg Mitchell Moore

frc-logoThis novel starts out as the story of Angela and seems to be the story of her senior year and her challenge to find a college, but as her story evolves and we meet her family we soon learn that each of them has admissions of their own to make to themselves and to others. An engrossing story of a family who appears to have it all, but do they and can they really have the life they want, or will they be stuck in a seemingly perfect world? I loved middle child Cecily who finds a new hobby when Irish Dance falls flat for her, and even younger Maya who is having so much trouble reading and is behind in school, but she keeps on trying even though the kids in her class aren’t always nice to her about her problems. Then there is Nora the matriarch of the clan who tries to run a tight ship while working as a real estate agent at an upscale firm. Patriarch Gabe is a partner at an up and coming company, and pushes Angela toward Harvard his Alma mater. Together they will question, challenge and persevere.

A Tale of Highly Unusual Magic by Lisa Papademetriou

What self respecting young girl wouldn’t love a magic book?  Ok I wanted one of these books and I’m an adult.  Such a cool idea.  Kai and Leila both have a magic book and while they don’t realize it together they are revealing a true story and one that will change their lives.  What a cool adventure to have on summer vacation.    Leila spends the summer with her great aunt who drives a monster truck and is anything but the fragile woman Leila expected, and Kai is in Pakistan visiting relatives and feeling out of place.  Leila is befriended by Doodle who loves bugs especially a rare butterfly, but she is bullied by the son of her father’s boss who runs the coffin factory.  Oh yes see the oddity already?  An awesome book for readers of all ages it blends the past and the present in quirky was and is full of quirky characters and yep you guessed it a touch of magic.  I loved this one.

My Sweet Vidalia by Deborah Mantella

Vidalia’s story is told by her first child and their bond is special.  Vidalia is a woman who knows she deserves better but it takes her a long time and a bit of fate to go after the dreams she holds, dreams her husband can’t seem to destroy no matter how much her tries.  Like most mothers she tries to make a better life for her children with her severely limited resources but a kindly small town doctor and a few caring neighbors help out along the way.  A touching story of survival, love  and redemption.  I  loved the unusual viewpoint that the story is told from and while there is no window dressing her Vidalia’s life is hard and that is a picture that is clearly painted you can’t help hoping that something better is waiting around the corner.